Neurocosmetic functional ingredients can be used in combination with other active ingredients, formulated in different cosmetic forms to target the skin type and age of each consumer. However, on the market, these types of ingredients are mainly used in anti-aging and sensitive skin formulations or to combat skin stress.

Monk's pepper, a large shrub that grows in the Mediterranean regions and Asia. Its berries contain phytoendorphins, which bind to opioid receptors, causing an analgesic effect and a feeling of well-being. It stimulates the activities of β-endorphin, the body's happiness molecule, and DHEA. This neurocosmetic functional ingredient helps increase skin hydration, firmness, density and elasticity while stimulating collagen production.

Anandamide: Since its discovery in 1992, anandamide (a word derived from the Sanskrit ānanda meaning joy or bliss) has been widely studied for its effects on pain relief, sleep quality, and recent cell regeneration. Dr. Mauro Maccarrone has conducted fascinating research and published an article on the effects of anandamide on the regulation of keratinocyte differentiation, responsible for the outermost layer of our skin. Naturally present in multiple plants, it became known for a famous research that found its traces in chocolate. This natural active ingredient interacts with the ECS and accesses our nervous system in a similar way to CBD, making it a perfect candidate for neurocosmetic application.

Tephrosia purpurea. This is a common herb from the wastelands of India and Sri Lanka that has been used as ethnomedicine to treat a number of conditions. Explored as a neurososmetic, it may help stimulate the production of beta-endorphiones, while maintaining the properties of

Ponderosa pine, also known as king of the Alps, has a multitude of uses. The extraction process produces an active ingredient that calms skin sensitivity and reduces redness. The collagen protection and anti-inflammatory properties make this ingredient a great addition to the growing lineup of neuroactive ingredients.

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Régulateur de sébum

I.D. Swiss Botanicals Sérum Hydratation Intense Riche en Acide Hyaluronique I.D. Swiss Botanicals Sérum Hydratation Intense Riche en Acide Hyaluronique
Intense Hydration Serum Rich in Hyaluronic Acid
Regular price 45,00 €